Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Superman Contro Cassius Clay" - 1978

This uber-rare ad comes from Superman Selezione #5, a digest-sized anthology published in Italy by Editrice Cenisio. This book came out in 1978, so it was contemporary with the original treasury's publication.

Courtesy Treasury Friend Giovanni Rolla, who helpfully provides a translation of the ad copy:
"Sensational Match!

Cassius Clay wins!

You'll find it all in

'Superman Vs Cassius Clay!'

On sale at all newsstands"

I find it interesting that, in Italy at least, Muhammad Ali was still called Cassius Clay, years after he changed his name. Since this ad doesn't show the final cover, I wonder if they bothered to commission as nice a "Cassius Clay" logo as the Ali one seen on the original book.

Thanks so much Giovanni!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Alex Ross on the DC Treasuries - 2002

I was going through some scans of the JLA: Secret Origins book by Paul Dini and Alex Ross and was reminded about this passage in an interview with Ross about the classic treasury comics.

I'm not big on remakes or, even worse, "reimaginings", but man I think I would love to see Alex Ross draw a brand-new Superman vs. Spider-Man treasury comic.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Superman vs. Muhammad Ali - New Edition

Just last week, DC released two new editions of the classic Superman vs. Muhammad Ali treasury comic. One was a "deluxe" hardcover, at a smaller size and including extra material.

The other edition, the one seen above, was also a hardcover but printed at the original 10x13.5" treasury size, which was a wonderful nod to what helped make this book so special.

If I had to quibble, I'd question the addition of the red frame around the cover, since it sort of ruins the wraparound effect of the original. But that's a relatively minor concern, since its such a treat to see this book back in print--its cultural impact, over the years, has extended past the world of comics yet it remained essentially unavailable to anyone who wanted to get a copy.

Part of that cultural impact is explored in a newspaper article featuring author Brad Meltzer talking about why Superman vs. Muhammad Ali might just be "the greatest comic of all time." (h/t: TreasuryFriend Josh Blair).

On a related note, now that DC has gone ahead and dusted this classic off and given it the royal treatment, what, if any, other treasuries would you like to see this done for next? Superman vs. Spider-Man? Batman vs. The Hulk? Rudolph's Summer Fun? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Star Wars Treasury Ad - 1977

While looking through an old issue of Pizzazz magazine, I found this ad for the first two Star Wars treasury comics Marvel released as their adaptation of the film.

The phrase "Now available on newsstands" still gets my heart beating faster...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Murphy Anderson @ The Cincinnati Comic Expo

This photo of the legendary Murphy Anderson signing a copy of Limited Collectors' Edition #C31 is courtesy TreasuryFriend Josh Blair, who met Mr. Anderson at the Cincinnati Comic Expo over the weekend. Way cool, thanks Josh!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rudolphe le renne au nez rouge!

New Addition! Thanks to TreasuryFriend Thelma Averhals, comes this French edition of DC's first-ever treasury comic. Go check it out!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wednesday Comics Collected Edition - 2010

New Addition! The collected edition of Wednesday Comics came out last Wednesday(appropriately enough), featuring lots of goodies. Click the cover to learn more!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday Comics Collected Ad

New Ad! Running in DC's July-cover dated books is this ad for the collected edition of Wednesday Comics. I cannot wait to get my hands on this baby!

Measuring at 11x17", this book will feature all the strips in one place, as well as unseen "filler" one-shot strips like Plastic Man and The Creeper!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Mystery of the Missing Man of Steel - 2010

sgSorry the Treasury Blog has been quiet for so long; there just hasn't been much to discuss!

But all that's over thanks to TreasuryFriend Graeme Burk, who sent me a link to an article from The New York Times, all about this iconic painting of The Man of Steel that went mysteriously missing.

Of course, treasury fans know this piece as the cover to Limited Collectors' Edition #C31, which is even mentioned in the piece.

Good catch, Graeme, and thanks!