Thursday, June 18, 2009

Foreign DC Ads

New Ads! Courtesy my pal Rogerio Baldino, who has provided with loads of info and graphics on foreign editions of treasury editions, come these three super-cool ads for Shazam!, Superman vs. Muhammad Ali, and Superman vs. Wonder Woman!

Here's what Rogerio had to say about them:

"The first one is a B&W ad for the Superman Vs. Wonder Woman treasury from the inside pages of ANO 2000 (the Brazilian name for the British magazine 2000 A.D.). The sentence bellow says: 'The fight you never thought you would see!'

The second is a beautifull color ad for the Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali treasury! It was also released in the backcover of
ANO 2000. It just confirms my theory that EBAL used to put a DC ad in all its line of comic books and magazines (no matter if it was Marvel or 2000 A.D.).

After all their reading customers would buy all their line of comics.Right? Certainly yes...

By the way:The warning sentence says: 'The Fight of the Century!' (and it certainly was...)

The third one is the best of all: a beautifull color ad for the Shazam! treasury I took from the back cover of a EBAL's Superman comic book. I thought that EBAL just released a B&W version of this beauty, but I was wrong. I think it is the most beautiful ad from EBAL ever!!

I absolutely love seeing stuff like this, and I'd never get the chance if not for dedicated fans like Rogerio. Thanks pal, and keep 'em coming!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wednesday Comics #1 Cover

News! Here's the front and back cover to Wednesday Comics #1, out on July 8th.

The design is impeccable (I wouldn't expect any less from WC's editor, Mark Chiarello), and I love it's old-school feel while still looking modern--a neat summation of the series itself.

Extra! Extra! As if that wasn't exciting enough, courtesy my pal Brian Knippenberg comes this link to DC's blog, announcing that the first week's Superman strip will be serialized in USA Today, with the remaining installments running on the paper's website. Yowza!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday Comics Flyer

New Ad! While visiting my LCS today, I was handed this free preview of Wednesday Comics that arrived today!

The front features this awesome Batman page by Azzrarello and Risso, and on the back is a 14x20" shot from the Superman feature by Arcudi and Bermejo, plus a list of all the strips and the talent behind them.

I didn't think there was any way I could anticipate this series more, but now, with this sample in my hand, I do. Its just so fun reading comics at this size!

Also, I simply love the logo, with the little hero icons below it. This is gonna be fun!