Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Superman Contro Cassius Clay" - 1978

This uber-rare ad comes from Superman Selezione #5, a digest-sized anthology published in Italy by Editrice Cenisio. This book came out in 1978, so it was contemporary with the original treasury's publication.

Courtesy Treasury Friend Giovanni Rolla, who helpfully provides a translation of the ad copy:
"Sensational Match!

Cassius Clay wins!

You'll find it all in

'Superman Vs Cassius Clay!'

On sale at all newsstands"

I find it interesting that, in Italy at least, Muhammad Ali was still called Cassius Clay, years after he changed his name. Since this ad doesn't show the final cover, I wonder if they bothered to commission as nice a "Cassius Clay" logo as the Ali one seen on the original book.

Thanks so much Giovanni!

1 comment:

Mike D. said...

this came out as a hard cover. I read it for the first time ever....probably the best comic book art there ever was in history